Radio Frequency Identification RFID


Thursday, November 29, 2007

American Libraries and RFID Tags


RFID Tags seem to be perfectly suited for library inventory control. Many bookstores are planning on having them on every book to prevent theft and keep track of inventory, which makes sense.

Now with this new technology they are teaching the old world all it’s applications and bringing the most unexpected organization into the Modern Age:

We are seeing TI- Texas Instruments and other companies leading the charge. Even Microsoft is building a custom operating system especially designed to incorporate RFID tags for Small and Medium sized Businesses. With Wal-Mart, Gillette and the Department of Defense moving forward on projects, we are seeing huge increase in the venture capital and investment bank spending on the companies who will be leading the way in this new technology as well as large old companies spending on capital investments in research and development. What is so wonderful is that all this technology will be available to so many other important needs for instance Libraries, book mobiles and School Districts. This is an awesome advantage of transfer technologies and we should be thanking the US Military, Wal-Mart, The Free Market and the Financial Markets for this forward progression to make our lives run smoother and more efficient as we know that budgets are tight and every dollar counts in our libraries and schools.

One new technology being developed by Flash Scan, Corp.

Libraries are much easier to develop the technology for than let’s say Military Humvees, Wal-Mart Wooden Pallets, Gillette’s Fiber Board Pallets. One cannot but be impressed with the ingenuity of American entrepreneurs and the intensive capital being risked on up-coming innovations on nothing more than a chance to play. Anyone who thinks that American Business is down and out need to look no further than their local public library and the new hardware being installed which would make even Carnegie smile.

This white paper on Page: 6 has a couple of paragraphs of what some of these early adopters can expect for Video, Audio and Book Inventory Applications, which obviously lends itself to uses for libraries and school districts from: Zebra Technologies:

Now then if we look at the Training Sessions for Homeland Security, FBI, Annapolis Naval Academy, West Point, etc. By allowing the military which is already heavy into the RFID game and is learning a lot and moving the ball forward and allowing some of this basic research and development to be used in their libraries, universities, academies and top notched training facilities, we can have a world class system ready for transferability into other public sectors which can assist streamline efficiencies in education to make good on America’s commitment to the “No Child Left Behind Act” possible by freeing up monies and re-investing those monies into books, educational material for the class rooms so teachers do not have to use their own money. Also by having a more efficient system in America’s libraries, they can afford to run the air conditioning more in the summer thus attracting more people to come and read and better heat in the winter to make it comfortable to stay and read.

RFID makes sense for library inventory control, simplicity and efficiency which will provide greater cost savings to re-allocate for those things they desperately need. RFID on Book Mobiles also makes sense as the entire control system could be run by a PDA Windows CE Program which when not in use can be charged by the cigarette lighter in the vehicle since smoking is not allowed in book mobiles because the paper holds such scents. Any ideas along this line are welcomed.

"Lance Winslow" - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; Lance is a guest writer for < id="link_63" target="_new" rel="nofollow" href="">Our Spokane

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RFID Uses For Aircraft Carriers


Can you make an RFID system for ordinance on an Aircraft Carrier? We believe so. The RFID tag would be o the weapon during its manufacturing a shipping stage so you do not lose weapons. In the case of the Navy it would be accounted for in an inventory control system all the way until it is loaded on an aircraft and shot of the carrier. By doing this it would place an instant order to the maker of the weapon to make another one. Real time logistical controls. There is a lot to the procurement and logistical process and more can be done to do better.

Remember their are all kinds of other issues to deal with. The RFID tag reader would be under the aircraft while on the catapult hook up area would also signify that the ordinance has left the ship. Since they cannot land back on the ship with ordinance it would signify expended. For ordinance which is allowed to land back on the ship they would not marked sold until they left the aircraft. Likewise 20 mm shells would be sent to the aircraft inventory control system and it would be sent to reader on the plane, which would be downloaded. Every 100 shells would be marked by RFID Tag. An enemy killed by a 20 mm shell would rather die by a specially marked bullet than an ordinary one, so you are doing them a favor as you send them to their final destination to meet Allah? In other words the enemy does not care so that factor is null and void of debate.

On a tank the reader could be on the end of the barrel as the ordinance leaves it is accounted for. If the tank is destroyed and crew is lost then the net centric system marks it destroyed and 3 more people are enlisted into tank school, a tank is ordered and the ordinance order for it's supply cancelled until the date of delivery for the replacement tank. You see. Sounds morbid? Not really it is reality based logistical chain. War is hell. So if you are going to have a war, get it over with as fast as possible and by all means be sure to win it.

Clauswitz agrees and Patton said an army moves on it's stomachs, yes it does and that goes for the fuel, armament, weapons and people. RFID tags streamline systems. I am most certainly not justifying the killing of one's own species, but if this is to occur, let's get it done right with the least amount of anguish. The devil is in the details, your supply chain can kill you much faster than the other side. Just like a prize fighter who is out of shape, stayed up too late drinking the night before or a marathoner who did not load up on complex carbohydrates in the days leading up to the event, if you want to win, be prepared to go the distance. Just a thought. Have drawings and schematics and much more on this idea.

"Lance Winslow" - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; Lance is a guest writer for Our Spokane Magazine in Spokane, Washington

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RFID Next Step - Automated Warehouses Are Part of the Future of Distribution

Unfortunately currently passive RFID tags do not have the read only range and have trouble being read thru many materials which are used as support structures for racks and storage or to hold up the building itself. This becomes a significant problem when it is coupled by shipping materials, boxes and pallets which make reading of RFID tags difficult to read thru. Then the stacked products may also have significant density. For these reasons those who attempt to automate warehouses are putting RFID reader repeaters on structural support posts holding the building up. A 100,000 square foot building may call for up to 12 repeaters within the poles or hanging on the posts, sometimes in the walls themselves always careful to use special materials to not effect the range of the radio waves.

I propose tethered mini-blimps within the automated warehouses. RFID Repeaters would be on these mini blimp UAVs inside warehouses to prevent transmission problems, lost data or bad reads. There is no sense having a warehouse that is fully automated if you cannot for the life of you figure out what the inventory in that warehouse actually is.

The tethers will be attached to tracks in the ceilings and these tethers will have motors on them and small winches which will allow the altitude of the mini-blimp to move up and down to make sure there is always a good read. The blimp will download the information to the main IT Network and that data will be updated real-time.

In completely automated warehouses you would have mini-blimps above on tracks and forklift robotics rail based units on the bottom. No people, no lighting and kept very simple. In the event that the warehouse had dry goods, furniture and other such products there would be no need for climate control either. No people, no employee pilferage, no workmen’s compensation costs, no union hassles and as the evolution process continued no mistakes causing loss of goods. Since there is no risk of falling, the rails could be set in levels like automated parking structures and therefore the height of the facility or warehouse is irrelevant, it could be 10 stories by nine football fields thus maximizing space. Our mini-blimp proposal lends itself better to single story warehouses, yet can also be applied to multistory warehouse systems. In the case of a multi-story system; the mini-blimps would float between level and tethered to the underside of the rails which the robotic forklifts would be riding on top of.

Currently the American Auto Industry has the robotic vendor network and know how to make this happen. The Japanese are way ahead of the Germans and the Americans in the efficiencies, which come with robotic automated warehouses. RFID is getting closer to solve their issues with the costs of individual tags decreasing thru economies of scale. By using the entrepreneurial spirit and the cost controls and efficiencies that all businesses seek we can move the modern automated warehouses into the future.

"Lance Winslow" - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; Lance is a guest writer for Our Spokane Magazine in Spokane, Washington


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Informed Consent: Ethical Considerations of RFID

He who mounts a wild elephant goes where the wild elephant goes.
Randolph Bourne

Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) has incubated in relative obscurity for over 60 years, quietly changing our lives with scant attention outside the technology community. First used to identify Allied aircraft in World War II, RFID is now well integrated in building security, transportation, fast food, health care and livestock management.

Proponents hail RFID as the next natural step in our technological evolution. Opponents forewarn of unprecedented privacy invasion and social control. Which is it? That’s a bit like asking if Christopher Columbus was an intrepid visionary or a ruthless imperialist. It depends on your perspective. One thing is clear: As RFID extends its roots into common culture we each bear responsibility for tending its growth.

Your Eyes Only

RFID functions as a network of microchip transponders and readers that enables the mainstream exchange of more — and more specific — data than ever before. Every RFID transponder, or “smart tag”, is encrypted with a unique electronic product code (EPC) that distinguishes the tagged item from any other in the world. “Smart tags” are provocatively designed with both read and write capabilities, which means that each time a reader retrieves an EPC from a tag, that retrieval becomes part of the EPC’s dynamic history. This constant imprinting provides real-time tracking of a tagged item at any point in its lifespan.

Recognizing the potential commercial benefits of the technology, scientists at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) began developing retail applications of RFID in 1999. Install a reader in a display shelf and it becomes a “smart shelf”. Network that with other readers throughout the store and you’ve got an impeccable record of customers interacting with products — from the shelf to the shopper; from the shopper to the cart; from the cart to the cashier, etc.

Proctor & Gamble, The Gillette Company and Wal-Mart were among the first to provide financial and empirical support to the project. Less than five years later RFID has eclipsed UPC bar coding as the next generation standard of inventory control and supply chain management. RFID offers unparalleled inventory control at reduced labor costs; naturally the retail industry is excited.

Katherine Albrecht founded the consumer advocacy group CASPIAN (Consumers Against Supermarket Privacy Invasion and Numbering) to educate consumers about the potential dangers of automatic-identification technology. She warns that “smart tags” — dubbed “spy chips” — increase retailer profits at the expense of consumer privacy.

RFID provides a continuous feed of our activities as we peek, poke, squeeze and shake tagged items throughout the store. Advocacy groups consider this electronic play-by-play a treasure for corporate marketing and a tragedy for consumer privacy.

Albrecht’s apprehension is understandable. However, shopping in any public venue is not private. It’s public. The decision to be in a public space includes a tacit acknowledgement that one can be seen by others. That’s the difference between the public world and the private world.

What if those worlds collide? CASPIAN and other consumer groups are concerned about retailers using RFID to connect public activities with private information. Because each EPC leaves a singular electronic footprint, linking each item of each transaction of each customer with personally identifying information, anyone with access to the system can simply follow the footprints to a dossier of the customer and their purchases.

Again, we must be clear. RFID does enable retailers to surveil consumers and link them with their purchasing histories. As disconcerting as that may be, it is neither new nor unique to RFID. Anyone who uses credit cards agrees to forfeit some degree of privacy for the privilege of buying now and paying later. Credit card companies collect and retain your name, address, telephone and Social Security numbers. This personal information is used to track the date, time, location, items and price of every purchase made with the card.

Don’t use credit cards? Unless you pay with cash, someone is monitoring you too. The now familiar UPC bar codes on nearly all consumer goods neatly catalogue the intimate details of all check and bank card purchases. Cash remains the last outpost for the would-be anonymous consumer. Of course, all things are subject to change. RFID inks may be coming soon to a currency near you, but that’s a discussion for another day.

If RFID is no more intrusive than a curious fellow shopper or a ceiling mounted security camera, what is the downside for consumer groups? If RFID is no more revealing than a bank or credit card transaction, what is the upside for the corporate suits? There must be more.

Indeed, there is. Bear in mind that “smart tags” are uniquely designed to pinpoint tagged items anytime, anywhere from point of origin through point of sale. And, theoretically, beyond.

Ah, the great beyond. RFID’s potential is limited only by our imaginations. And not just our imaginations; the imagination of anyone who has a reader and a transponder. Wal-Mart. Your employer. The government. Anyone.

Everything Costs Something

Members of German privacy group FOEBUD see shadowy strangers lurking in the imagination playground. Their February 2004 demonstration in front of Metro’s RFID-rigged Future Store was intended to raise public awareness of the implications of RFID.

“Because the spy chips are not destroyed at the shop exit, they continue to be readable to any interested party, such as other supermarkets, authorities, or anyone in possession of a reading device (available to the general public)... The antennas used for reading are still visible in the Future Store, but soon they will be hidden in walls, doorways, railings, at petrol pumps anywhere. And we won't know anymore who is when or why spying on us, watching us, following each of our steps.” 1

Freedom is Slavery

Dan Mullen would call that an overreaction. Mullen is the President of auto-identification consortium AIM Global. He cautions that unrealistic fear can obscure the very real benefits of RFID: “Many of the concerns expressed by some of the advocacy groups are frankly, inflated. The technology can be set up so that identifying information is associated with the item, not with the people interacting with the item. Tracking individuals? That’s not how the technology is used.”

When asked, “Could it be used that way?” Mullen was doubtful. “I don’t think so. Not at this point. And I don’t see a benefit to anyone.” We'd like to think he’s right, but someone obviously sees a benefit. RFID has been used exactly that way.

Wal-Mart is one of the retailers who have tested photographic “smart shelves” in some of their U.S. stores. The technology did what it was supposed to do — photograph customers who removed tagged items from a display. Unfortunately, Wal-Mart didn’t do what they were supposed to do. Goliath didn’t tell David about the camera.

The most disturbing aspect of the project was Wal-Mart’s emphatic denial that they had secretly photographed their customers. They weren’t confused. They didn’t make a mistake. They chose to lie. It was only after Albrecht exposed the evidence that Wal-Mart finally admitted conducting the pilot tests in an effort to combat shoplifting and employee theft. After all, the argument goes, this type of inventory shrinkage costs U.S. retailers as much as $32 billion each year. 2 (Don’t feel too sorry for our friends in blue. The bill for this hefty loss is passed on to you and me.)

The public was unmoved by Wal-Mart’s defense, and the project has been aborted. At least for now. Wal-Mart’s smiley face logo belies the arrogance wrought by its success, and we will likely see the photographic “smart shelf” again. Or it will see us, anyway.

Wal-Mart is somewhat like a spoiled child, a casualty of indulgence, who is accustomed to doing quite what he wants when he wants to and rarely anything that he doesn’t. It hardly seems fair to expect the child to accept “no” when he only vaguely recognizes the word, and even less so, it’s finality.

Bear in mind that RFID does not create opportunities for consumer profiling. We do. Every time we enter a store we expose ourselves to scrutiny. Every time we purchase goods or utilize a service we are assimilated, Borg-like, into the collective revenue stream. Everything costs something.

Worldwide spending on RFID is expected to top $3 billion by 2008, almost triple the market of a year ago. 3 Wal-Mart’s decree that its top 100 suppliers must be RFID compliant by 2005 told the rest of the world to either get on the train or get off the track. The U.S. Department of Defense has since issued a similar mandate, and falling technology prices coupled with the establishment of uniform RFID communication standards are making it easier for other industries to do the same.

The War on Drugs

It’s no longer enough to just say no to the schoolyard crack jockeys. We have new enemies in the war on drugs. Our increasing reliance on chemical relief — born of a pervasive spiritual poverty as much as our aging demographic — has made us attractive to drug counterfeiters.

Counterfeit drugs are sub-potent or inert imposter pills that are channeled into the prescription drug pipeline and sold as legitimate medication. The World Health Organization estimates that in less-developed countries as many as half of all prescription drugs dispensed are counterfeit. 4 The economic cost to defrauded and dying consumers is staggering. And it is almost meaningless compared to the emotional cost.

In February 2004 the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s Counterfeit Drug Task Force released its report “Combating Counterfeit Drugs”. FDA Commissioner Mark McClellan directed the group’s six month review of America’s prescription drug channels.

Its conclusion? The supply of prescription drugs in the United States is overwhelmingly safe. The FDA’s complex system of regulatory oversight insures that with rare exception, the pills we pop have been manufactured to the highest standards of purity and potency, distributed safely and dispensed as the doctor ordered.

However, later in the same report McClellan warns that drug counterfeiters are better organized and more technologically sophisticated than ever before. According to McClellan, the FDA’s current system can not meet the evolving challenges of the new century, and he recommends full-scale implementation of RFID technology by 2006. 5

Without question, RFID is a more formidable guardian than our present paper-based drug audit system. The savviest saboteur will find RFID tags extremely difficult to counterfeit and almost impossible to do so at a profit. EPCs afford flawless accountability, which is a distinct impediment to illegal diversions and substitutions. And no doubt every overworked, carpal tunnel-strained pharmacist would welcome RFID’s promise of tighter inventory and simplified service.

Does this justify the enormous expense of a complete system overhaul? Do the benefits outweigh the privacy concerns? Are you comfortable enlisting RFID in the battle against drug terrorism?

Before you decide, consider this: The FDA may incorporate “at least two types of anti-counterfeiting technologies into the packaging and labeling of all drugs, at the point of manufacture, with at least one of those technologies being covert (i.e., not made public, and requiring special equipment or knowledge for detection)...”6

“Not made public, and requiring special equipment or knowledge for detection”. Hmm... so, RFID tags can be hidden in our prescriptions without our knowledge or consent... and we will be unable to detect or remove them.

Consider, too, that companies in the U.S., Canada, Sweden and Denmark have developed electronic blister packs that monitor pill removal and automatically notify the physician’s computer when a patient has dispensed (or neglected to dispense) the medication as scheduled. 7

Here's a better idea. The FDA should explain how concealing information from me about my prescriptions makes the world a safer place. And then they can explain how spying on your medicine cabinet — and tattling to your doctor — thwarts drug counterfeiting.

The FDA’s prime directive is to protect and advance the public health. They have done this remarkably well for over 140 years at an annual cost to taxpayers of only about $3 per person. 8 When evaluating any policy change the FDA must always preserve that which is most fundamental to its success — indeed, its very existence — the public trust. RFID may prove vital for the continued integrity of our prescription drug pipeline, but never more vital than the continued integrity of the FDA.

RFID is in its spring. These tiny chips, sown by science and nourished richly by corporate support, will burgeon beyond imagination, penetrating our lives like the roots of a willow. This is the time for discourse. This is the time to shore our boundaries. If we cede the opportunity to deliberate, we accept surveillance as a norm. Our indifference will do nothing to stem its growth.

3. Jennifer Maselli, “ABI:RFID Market Poised for Growth,” RFID Journal July 18,2003.

 Dennis and Sally Bacchetta.

Dennis Bacchetta is a Marketing Professional who writes on a variety of topics, including emerging technologies.

Sally Bacchetta is an award-winning sales trainer and freelance writer. She has published articles on a variety of topics, including selling skills, motivation, and pharmaceutical sales.

You can contact her at and read her latest articles on her website

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California Parents Protest RFID Arm Bands

Parents of children attending Northern California's Brittan Elementary were enraged to learn their children are part of an RFID tracking test being carried out by a local company.

Despite the school board's intent on protecting students, parents are objecting. "Our belief is these children have never done anything to give up some of their civil rights. They've never done anything wrong, and they're being tracked," said one mother.

InCom arranged for the test last summer with the principal and superintendent. Students were ID tags similar to ones worn by employee at many companies, however the tags have RFID transmitters. The school district will receive a payment of an undisclosed amount, thought to be several thousand dollars and future royalties.

The school did not communicate the program to parents. However parents became aware of the tagging when the child of an inquisitive parent accidentally wore the tag home one day. Parents immediately objected to the use of their children in an experimental project of this nature.

The system, InClass RFID, was created by InCom, a company formed by two high-school teachers from Sutters, California. InClass RFID consists of a photo ID card with an embedded RFID tag containing a unique 15-digit code designed to track attendance. Door scanners around the school read the code, relaying data to the school's system. Teachers have hand-held units that show the class attendance.

Superior leadership principles dictate that parents and students should have been made aware of the experiment. By providing parents with the safety aspect of this project, parents would have had a different viewpoint than their perception that the school was attempting some underhanded laboratory effort. Historically leaders that have focused on the good have been able to generate a positive attitude among their people. When parachute workers in WWII were focused on the lives they were saving they were much more energetic and enthusiastic than those that saw themselves as endlessly sewing pieces of canvas. Likewise, one is more positive shaping marble pieces for a house of worship or great cathedral than those simply breaking up pieces of stone.

Anyone in leadership, and we are all leaders to varying degrees, would be served well to seek out professional leadership help when looking at a major change within their organization.

Rick Weaver is President of Max Impact, a national leadership and organization development company based in Rochester Hills, Michigan. Rick is an accomplished business executive with experience in retail, market analysis, supply chain and project management, team building, and process improvement. He has worked with hundreds of companies to improve sales, processes, and bottom-line results. MaxImpact offers leadership and organizational development services along with employee assessments and background checks. Contact Rick at 248-802-6138 or via email, MaxImpact is on the web at


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