Radio Frequency Identification RFID


Tuesday, May 13, 2008

RFID Chips Taking Away Your Privacy

RFID chip. What is it? RFID stands for Radio Frequency Identification. A microchip about the size of a speck of dust or a speck of pepper with an antenna spiraling from it ranging from an inch to four inches in diameter. They are showing up in the products we buy. I had bought a Western Digital 80G hard drive from Wal-Mart and in the bottom of the box with the theft security device over the top of it was a little square white sticker. So with the knowledge of RFID I peeled the sticker off, held it to the light, and sure enough was the unmistakable spiraling antenna. And since I used my debit card to purchase it, the hard drive was now linked to me. I.E. my name, address, account, etc. which is decoded from the code that was embedded in the chips info of a long binary number that can be read with an RFID reader.

These chips have no power source of their own. However, they are powered from the frequency generated from an RFID reader. Which can range from a couple of inches to several feet. Depending on how string the signal is set. Now, these frequencies are about the same as cell phones. And cell phones have been known to cause brain cancer, brain tumors, etc. of people that have heavy use of cell phones. Now our whole body is being subject to these frequencies so they can read the chip in your $20 bill, in your debit card, in the soles of your shoes, in the tags of the clothes you're wearing, etc. Now you can be tracked as to wherever you go. Including with the tires of your vehicle as you drive down the road. Cross one reader, then another. And you get a ticket in the mail for speeding.

These chips make it possible to track your every move from birth to death. And just think. They even plan to implant these under your skin. I have even seen photos of rifles that are designed to shoot these little RFID ships, that are contained in glass, why glass, and have a fluid. OK. Just what is the fluid? I don't know yet. If you know please tell me and I'll include it in this report.

Now, these chips do have their place. They can be attached to pallets of product for easy invitory findings. Tracking durring shipment to the store. But this should be as far as it should go.

It shouldn't get into the privacy of our general life. Which dictates how we're treated cause they know how much money you spend and have on hand and in your account just by walking into the store. Ever see those grey pillars at the entrance of a store?

Back to the $20 bill. Did you know that when a police officer pulls you over he can tell you how much money you have on you and in your vehicle within just a few dollars? The ones can't be tracked. Don't believe me. Try this experiment. Take a $20 and put it into the microwave for 5 seconds. Jacksons eye should burn out. Which is where the chip is. Yes, your microwave will destroy these chips. Just be ready to put the fire out.

So the moral of the story. Pay cash for everything. This will cut down on the tracking.

Here are some good links to copy paste into a new browser window for futher information on RFID.

Some videos and pictures.

Please pass this article around to as many as you can. Even copy paste everything and e-mail it to to all of your friends. The word needs to be spread around to all. Our privacy is at stake.


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