Radio Frequency Identification RFID


Thursday, November 29, 2007

RFID Uses For Aircraft Carriers


Can you make an RFID system for ordinance on an Aircraft Carrier? We believe so. The RFID tag would be o the weapon during its manufacturing a shipping stage so you do not lose weapons. In the case of the Navy it would be accounted for in an inventory control system all the way until it is loaded on an aircraft and shot of the carrier. By doing this it would place an instant order to the maker of the weapon to make another one. Real time logistical controls. There is a lot to the procurement and logistical process and more can be done to do better.

Remember their are all kinds of other issues to deal with. The RFID tag reader would be under the aircraft while on the catapult hook up area would also signify that the ordinance has left the ship. Since they cannot land back on the ship with ordinance it would signify expended. For ordinance which is allowed to land back on the ship they would not marked sold until they left the aircraft. Likewise 20 mm shells would be sent to the aircraft inventory control system and it would be sent to reader on the plane, which would be downloaded. Every 100 shells would be marked by RFID Tag. An enemy killed by a 20 mm shell would rather die by a specially marked bullet than an ordinary one, so you are doing them a favor as you send them to their final destination to meet Allah? In other words the enemy does not care so that factor is null and void of debate.

On a tank the reader could be on the end of the barrel as the ordinance leaves it is accounted for. If the tank is destroyed and crew is lost then the net centric system marks it destroyed and 3 more people are enlisted into tank school, a tank is ordered and the ordinance order for it's supply cancelled until the date of delivery for the replacement tank. You see. Sounds morbid? Not really it is reality based logistical chain. War is hell. So if you are going to have a war, get it over with as fast as possible and by all means be sure to win it.

Clauswitz agrees and Patton said an army moves on it's stomachs, yes it does and that goes for the fuel, armament, weapons and people. RFID tags streamline systems. I am most certainly not justifying the killing of one's own species, but if this is to occur, let's get it done right with the least amount of anguish. The devil is in the details, your supply chain can kill you much faster than the other side. Just like a prize fighter who is out of shape, stayed up too late drinking the night before or a marathoner who did not load up on complex carbohydrates in the days leading up to the event, if you want to win, be prepared to go the distance. Just a thought. Have drawings and schematics and much more on this idea.

"Lance Winslow" - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; Lance is a guest writer for Our Spokane Magazine in Spokane, Washington

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