Radio Frequency Identification RFID


Wednesday, March 12, 2008

RFID and 1984

"Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom. It is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves." ~ William Pitt

RFID stands for Radio Frequency Identification and is a newer technology that is already being used for a number of purposes. Those of you that swipe a card on a magnetic reader to enter your work building, may be using RFID. Other common uses include package tracking by UPS, inventory control, targeting advertising to consumers, tracking pets and livestock, and the replacement of credit cards. Next will be the tracking of Americans by a big-brother government. While RFID does offer many attractive uses that can save time and money, the technology is already being widely abused and has serious security and privacy concerns.

Security Concerns:
RFID works by emitting a radio signal that is read by a reader. I have read a wide variety of numbers as to how far a chip can currently be read - 33ft and 100ft are 2 of the common maximum distances that I have seen. The distance currently depends mostly on the strength of the reader, however, chipmaker VeriChip is currently working on GPS versions that can be read from much greater distances and also provide the additional benefit of tracking the location of an object or a person. Obviously, as time moves forward more advances will be made to this technology that will make it more powerful and more dangerous.

The security concerns stem from the fact that a hacker with the right equipment can easily scan an RFID chip and either acquire the information stored on it, or, if used for gaining entry, they can replicate it in order to access secure areas.

In August of 2006, the United States will begin including RFID chips in passports. In addition to the privacy concerns, there are massive security concerns as a hacker can easily gain access to your personal information. Our government has been presented this information by thousands of security experts and their only response was to include very minimal security measures that will inevitably be overcome. The Netherlands has been using RFID chips in their passports for just a short time and the security has already been cracked. In 2008, the US government will introduce a national ID card that will also contain an RFID chip with your personal information. The federal government has told the state governments that the new ID is voluntary. They also said that if the states do not embrace the new ID, their citizens will not be able to fly on a plane, take a train, get a bank account, get a job, and a number of other "priveledges". That is the federal government's version of voluntary.

Privacy Issues:
The fundamental privacy issue with RFID is that it can and will be used to track Americans and their actions. President Bush already proposed the idea of forcing illegal immigrants to get RFID implants in order to track their movement and activities and many corporations are embedding RFID tags in their products which will still be functional even after the item is removed from the store.

While currently, the concept of RFID implants under the skin frightens 90% of Americans, corporations and the government are going to sell it to you. The are going to show you that you will no longer have to carry any keys around and can start your car and open your front door by waving your arm in front of them. They are going to sell you on the fact that 98,000 people could be saved in emergency rooms every year if their medical records were implanted on a chip. They are going to tell you that RFID implants will make this country safer because we will be able to tell who isn't chipped and find out why they are here. They will sell you on the benefits of being able to shop without going through a checkout line. They will tell you that a chip can monitor your vital functions and alert you if a problem is detected. They will tell you that they can find your kids if they are lost or kidnapped. They will tell you that an implant will make your life better, easier, and longer. The list will go on and on and the propoganda machine is already in full swing.

What they won't tell you is that once you are implanted, your decendency into slavery is complete. They won't tell you that your boss will use the chip to track your activities during the work day. They won't tell you that the government will be able to track your every movement. They won't tell you that they can take the cash right out of your implanted electronic wallet. They won't tell you that corporations can track your purchases (they already do with membership cards) and target advertising to you. They won't tell you that they will flag you and limit your movement if you are a criminal, dissident, protester, Mexican, Arab, homeless, or any other group that the government doesn't like. They won't tell you that they will track who you meet with and how you spend your time. They won't tell you that your chip might be used by the government to induce a heart attack or stroke and kill you for non-compliance with their fascist government (a little extreme, but definitely possible).

They will tell you that it is a voluntary choice to get the implant, but it will be as voluntary as the National ID card. It is estimated that 2,500 people have already been chipped and when enough ignorant and apathetic Americans get the chip, stores will begin phasing out credit card machines, the government will begin requiring the implants to fly, drive a car, or get a job. It will be as voluntary as taxes.

As a side note, I would like to say that I am not at all religious, however, I do find it ominous and unnerving that the bible basically said this would happen. Chapter 13 of the Book of Revelations states, "He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name." No matter what you believe, that is quite a prediction from 2000 years ago.

Recent Abuses:
The widespread use of RFID technology is fairly recent, and yet, it is already being abused. Wal-Mart in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma, used RFID tags and readers to track the Max Factor Lipfinity lipstick containers stacked on them. Webcam images of the shelves were viewed 750 miles (1200 km) away by Procter & Gamble researchers in Cincinnati, Ohio, who could tell when lipsticks were removed from the shelves and observe the shoppers in action. A pilot program by the Gillette Company conducted a "smart shelf" test at a Tesco in Cambridge, England. They automatically photographed shoppers taking RFID-tagged safety razors off the shelf to see if the technology could be used to deter shoplifting. Levi Strauss is test-marketing the use of embedded RFID tags in their clothing. In January 2004 privacy advocates from CASPIAN and the German privacy group FoeBuD were invited to the METRO Future Store in Germany, where an RFID pilot project was implemented. It was uncovered by accident that METRO "Payback" customer loyalty cards contained RFID tags with customer IDs, a fact that was disclosed neither to customers receiving the cards, nor to this group of privacy advocates. This happened despite assurances by METRO that no customer identification data was tracked and all RFID usage was clearly disclosed.

These are all blatant infringements on our privacy rights which is why there are over 40 civil liberties groups world-wide trying to stop the proliferation of RFID until appropriate standards for use can be set. All of the companies listed above are on my boycott list for failure to comply with the wishes of the American people and civil liberties groups.

Call to Action:
If this sounds like science fiction, you need to realize that people are already getting implanted, including the recent chipping of 160 Mexican Officials. There is a good chance that you will eventually be implanted too, unless we resist. You must resist the National ID card. Tell your representatives that you don't want it and refuse to accept it, even if it means that you can't fly or take a train. Tell others about RFID before it is too late. Many people will have no idea what RFID even is until they get chipped. Wake up and realize that voting for republicans or democrats will end with the same result. Neither one is going to protect you from this. As long as we suffer from corporatism in this country, our fascist government may not even have to be involved in forcing people into getting chipped. They will simply only accept RFID implants as a form of payment and you will not have a choice if you wish to eat and carry out the normal functions of your life.

Further Reading
FDA Approves Computer Chip for Humans
Big Brother Gets Under Your Skin
Bio-chip Implant Arrives for Cashless Transactions
Company Requires RFID Injection
Company Defends RFID Implant Product
A Chip in Your Shoulder
Home for Seniors Trades Privacy for Security

Jason is a concerned citizen hoping to stir questions in people's minds about the state of our nation and the direction we are heading.

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