Radio Frequency Identification RFID


Thursday, February 14, 2008

What is RFID and how will it help me?

RFID technolgy has been around for a few years but we are just hitting the tip of the iceberg when it comes to its many uses. Most people don't even know what RFID is but odds are they have already been affected by it.

You have or are about to own a RFID tag and you don't even know it. If you have an EZ pass in your car that automatically pays the toll when you go past then you have a RFID tag. Wow thats cool is what you are probably saying but that is just one of the uses.

They also use RFID to track cattle and soon they will be using it to track your luggage at the airport. As of this writing the airport in Las Vegas and Toyko Japan is experimenting with it.

You might have read about RFID in the newspaper lately and that is what lead you here. Major department stores are using RFID to track their inventory. You can read all about it on This works by placing a RFID tag on the pallet or the individual boxes and they are read as they are received at the stores from the warehouse.

This has many benefits as there can no longer be items that "fall off the truck" as they say which will help keep cost down. It also keeps less employees on the payroll which is a bad thing since items will be within a few clicks of the mouse to their location.

You may even have heard about people having their medical history placed on a RFID chip and having that chip inbedded in their arm so they will always have their medical history. That is some advanced stuff as the hospital will need a RFID reader to fetch the records.

The is also talk of RFID being used in cell phones. If your boss gives you a new cell phone be weary of it because he might have done it to track you.

You have seen the commercials for ONSTAR where they dispatch help to your car in an emergency. How do they know where you are hmmmm. Like I said there are many things that RFID can and will be used for.

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Vince Ohare is a Free Lance writer featured on over 1000 technolgy websites. You can see more of his articles on

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