Radio Frequency Identification RFID


Friday, January 11, 2008

RFID and Business Ethics

RFID stands for Radio Frequency IDentification.

Its supporters tout its amazing power to streamline it supply chain. I am in agreement with those supporters. RFID will significantly increase the efficiency of supply chains. The problem with RFID is that the RFID tags will be released into the world and become a privacy and security nightmare.

I think that the true potential of this technology is as big as the internet. That is a bold statement, but think about it. The internet is electronic content in small pieces linked together. RFID taken to its logical limits becomes the internet of things. Imagine if every thing made in the world could shout out its existence. If you have enough RFID scanners and internet capacity you could place every man made object in its GPS location. Get your mind around that for a second. Every manmade object with real-time global placement.

This ends many things: cash, theft, and privacy.

Why would world wide RFID end cash? There would be no need to exchange currency because all of everybody’s possessions would be tagged. You go to a store you pick up what you want and then you leave. No stopping at the cash register (the cash register will be a relic like the slide rule) the RFID readers at the door know who you are and what you came in with and what you are leaving with and will debit you cash at the bank or put it on your credit card.

Why would word wide RFID end theft? Why steal anything the police will just pull out their PDA and find the item and arrest you. Also don’t try to cheat on your taxes the government all ready knows what items you posses.

The end of cash and theft sound like a wonderful ideas, but remember someone knows all that you have purchased where from and how much you paid. Do you want your child or boss to know every purchase you have ever made. Better not pick up that resume book at Barnes and Nobles because you boss who subscribes to a futuristic RFID listing service will be able to know you are looking for a job. I hope you never have an ex boy or girl friend track you down with the serial number from that pair of jeans they bought you. True world wide RFID is the "Internet of Things" (term taken from the book SPY CHIPS and website will end privacy.

Now governments are putting these RFID Chips into Passports and Drivers license. Public schools are tagging your children so they will be able to know who sneaks away for an unauthorized bathroom break. They use the same technology on your kids as ranchers use on their livestock. A government agent will be able to follow you around town from the comfort of a Fort Meade computer center. The potential for abuse is staggering. I feel that this issue is as significant as Cloning but it is not getting the press in the mainstream media. This is because the mainstream media is bought and paid for by corporations pushing RFID.

I am a Conservative Christian Business man. I believe in the right of business to make a profit if they work hard enough. On this issue I find my self allied with the far left fringe. This is because business is looking at the short term bottom line and not the long term effects on the world we share. Who wants to live in a world without privacy?

I call on businesses to think about your RFID strategy and its effects on the world we live in.

Brian Davis - Privacy Expert

Consumer advocate

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